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Mother and Baby India
Mother and Baby India

Mother and Baby India

By: Next Gen Publishing Private Limited

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

The land of nod... Baba or baby? AN INSIGHT INTO GENDER-NEUTRAL PARENTING HAVE FAITH Bringing up a child in an inter-religious marriage ADOPTION & SURROGACY All your questions answered Shraddha Daryanani's Fitness Mantra Her son Krishnav SLEEP DISORDERS MUMS, FEEL GOOD ON LESS SLEEP SOLUTIONS FOR A GOOD NIGHT 11 CRIBS FOR SOUND ZZZZ...

About Mother and Baby India

After more than 50 years of being the mum's best friend in the UK, and successful editions in Australia, Croatia, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, Spain and Thailand, Mother&Baby; has arrived to add value to the lives of Indian parents! Reassuring, reliable and reader-friendly, it's already finding a fan following among expecting mums and mothers to children between the ages of 0 and 5.