The June 2019 Issue of the Next IAS Current Affairs Magazine covers news events from 26th April 2019 to 25th May, 2019 The June issue of the Magazine has in-depth analysis of three issues from the coverage period viz. ‘US Iran Tensions and its Impact’, ‘Low Female Labour Force Participation Rate: Causes and Solutions’ and ‘Genetically Modified Crops’. These topics have been covered as they have been persistently in news and are poised to impact India significantly in the near future.The Magazine also covers the landslide victory of the incumbent government in the 2019 General Election along with an analysis of the possible reasons for this overwhelming show of support for the BJP. This Magazine has a Guest Article contributed by Shri K.P. Shashidharan (IAAS, Former Director General, CAG Office) on the subject of Election Commission of India (ECI) & Need for Electoral Reforms. The National and International events are covered in easy to understand manner using simple but effective language, headings & sub-headings, engaging infographics, charts, tables and eye-catching diagrams. The Magazine is designed for the needs of the students who are preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examinations. However, it is also helpful for Engineering Services Examinations, Banking Examinations and other government or Public Sector Enterprises examinations.
In today’s fast changing world, everything has become so competitive that sometimes even better is not enough, it requires only the best. Be it life or be it examination, it is imperative to have the best of the preparations and hence Timely and Timeless preparation is an essence of the success in the competitive examinations. The very basic purpose of launching this Magazine is to be able to fulfill the requirement of various competitive examinations in an efficient and effective way and helping the aspirants achieving the desired success in those examinations. We have tried to provide an ingenious, resourceful, authentic and relevant information in a most lucid, comprehensible, communicative and self- explanatory manner. With the comprehensive yet precise coverage,the NEXT IAS Current Affairs magazine will be accomplishing the requirements of the various Competitive Examinations like Civil Services Examination, State Civil Services Examinations, Indian Engineering Services Examination, Indian Forest Service’s Examination, and the various Public Sector Undertakings Examination.