149 Issue of "Life Care News" Magazine, Below listed topics covered in this Magazine. Dear Reader, You can read various article and story in 149 issue of LifeCareNews Magazine. Here are list of topics covered in this issue. Something New, 2nd October Wildlife Week, Child Special, The noble treatment of the paediatric department, Kitchen Corner, Such foods should not be kept in the freezer, Study Corner, Support Scheme for Higher Career, Special Story, The service has no boundaries, Cover Story, Arthritis: Stay away from such foods, Flash News, Healthgiri Award 2021, Health care Free operation under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Social Awareness, Organ Donation… Great Donation.. Life Donation, An event that makes sense once more, Self Care, Adopt a healthy lifestyle, Health Technology, The Newborn's heart pounded outward, Entertainment, What Sony Sub artists think about Navratri, Graphics: The Future of Electricity: Well-known Alternative Sources of Electricity, Graphics, Corona Awareness, 149Issue, 10th October 2021, Lifecare, Lifecarenews.in Follow us on social Media : facebook.com/lifecarenews.in, twitter : @lifecarenews247, instagram.com/lifecarenews247, pinterest.com/lifecarenews247
Life Care - A Complete Healthcare News Magazine, Life care magazine one of the newest and fastest growing Gujarati magazine. Our aim to make India and Indians healthier and more conscious about their health, physical and mental fitness. Let’s make India healthier.