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Life Care
Life Care

Life Care

By: Life Care News

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  • Life Care News 106 Issue 25 December 2019
  • Price : 30.00
  • Life Care News
  • Issues 231
  • Language - Gujarati
  • Published fortnightly

About this issue

Dear Reader, Happy New Year to all in advance, New Year is coming, all of them may have planned a New Year Celebration. Let us start with the editorial. At the beginning of the New Year, we will learn to avoid some of the habits through which we can achieve longer life. One should know about different habits to achieve longer life. Then we move on to the new story, which is on page number 5. The topic is "Do You Know" under which the article "Benefits of Beard" is placed. This article talks about the health benefits of having a beard. You can read the article about "Music is Improved Health" under "Alternative Therapy" topics on page number 7. Music has been heard for years, health can also be improvised from music. Then on page 9, the article "Kitchen Corner" contains articles about how to keep things in the fridge. A nice story about how to store things in the fridge and how much temperature is in the fridge has been put together. Surely you will find a lot of information by reading. Then on page 12, under "Women's Health", information on how to care for and what foods to eat during menstruation. The cover story of this issue is "Welcome New Year". In the coming New Year you should start by creating and implementing some rules about your health. Through which you can stay healthy. Apart from this, many articles and stories are placed. For example, how you can step into the world of film and TV under Career Corner. Under "child care" you can find out if a mother must sleep with her baby. One should be aware of knee injury under "Be Careful" Topics. And you can learn about it. Detailed information about "price" therapy. Other articles that you will like. Share "Life Care Magazine" in your friends and families. Stories listed below. do you know, alternet therapy, kitchen corner, womens health,something amezing,cover story (happy new year 2020), Career Corner, health mantra, child care, Tips, be careful, seasonal care, be alert, Graphics, 106Issue,25December2019 Lifecare, Lifecarenews.in.

About Life Care

Life Care - A Complete Healthcare News Magazine, Life care magazine one of the newest and fastest growing Gujarati magazine. Our aim to make India and Indians healthier and more conscious about their health, physical and mental fitness. Let’s make India healthier.