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Life Care

By: Life Care News

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  • Life Care News 101 Issue 10 October 2019
  • Price : 30.00
  • Life Care News
  • Issues 231
  • Language - Gujarati
  • Published fortnightly

About this issue

Dear Reader in this issue you can read a some good stories and article. Firstly read an Editorial about success behind the failure. Which can draw a path, successful in their life. Hope it will be a helpful in your life. Now let’s move on another story, is situated on the page number five Topics name is "Health and Gadgets". In this time we are all caught in the magic of different type gadgets. Too much use of gadgets can be bad impact of our health. Because we are using gadgets morning to mid night. Which part of our life. And also most important for children, who use too much gadgets. It may mental disorders such as Textaphrenia, text traumatic syndrome etc. can occur. So please, be aware of use gadgets and don't using too much. Another story is located page number eight. Story title is "Tips". In this story you can read about back pain, some of tips you can follow that what can do and don't do. Because "Back Pain" is common in people today, but this problem is not common, because if the pain goes out of control, the person suffers pain during activities such as getting up, sitting, or sleeping, pain is destroy life. Through this story, we are trying to help people suffering from back pain, please read the tips and relief back pain. The next story called "Self Care" is located at page eleven. In this story you can read, if such symptoms appear in the body, then it is necessary to rest now. By staying in this time, working for hours can make a person's body and mind tired, making the person feel mentally and physically exhausted. Often, a person's entire power is consumed in his single day management. Most women today are experiencing this. Because they manage their home and office, they miss taking care of their bodies. As a result, she face many health problems. So that read full story and know how to do break, if you found any symptoms in your body. Cover story is located page number sixteen. This is the cover story of the issue, how to increase blood and haemoglobin in the body and get rid of blood and haemoglobin loss. Home remedies for increasing haemoglobin have proven to be very useful. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells, which acts to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Adult haemoglobin levels are required in, adult males from 14 to 18 g / dL and for adult females from 12 to 16 g / dL. Thus, the question must be raised in the mind as to how to increase haemoglobin in the body. Thus, let us know how haemoglobin levels can be raised by this article. Another good stories like... "why laugh is good for health", "Alternative Therapy is Dance therapy for avoid depression", Kitchen Corner, health benefit of Green Chillies, "Beauty funda, sandalwood useful in the skin diseases", "Life style, these habits can make bad taste" and last but not list, Health graphics. Hope you will be read joyful and share "Life Care Magazine" in your friends and families. All the stories is listed below with their title name and page number. Tech Corner, Use of Gadgets, Tips, Back pain, Self Care, Leisure Required, Getting to know, laugh sometimes, Cover story, haemoglobin, Woman’s Special, Alternative Therapy, Dance Therapy, Kitchen Corner, Green Chillies, Beauty funda, sandalwood useful in skin diseases, Life style, these habits can make bad taste, Health graphics, Lifecare, Lifecarenews, 10October 2019, IssueNo101

About Life Care

Life Care - A Complete Healthcare News Magazine, Life care magazine one of the newest and fastest growing Gujarati magazine. Our aim to make India and Indians healthier and more conscious about their health, physical and mental fitness. Let’s make India healthier.