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Rural & Marketing
Rural & Marketing
  • April 2017
  • i9 Media
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly

About this issue

Father of Green Revolution MS Swaminathan in a candid interview with Tafeem Siddiqui says the government should invest more public sector agriculture research which is transforming agriculture and gene editing technology is the new mantra for higher productivity

About Rural & Marketing

India's first and only magazine on Rural India. To further strengthen the flow of information and updates for the stakeholders, we have launched a monthly magazine called 'Rural & Marketing' . where it helps corporate in shaping their business strategies on how to target the rural India and its untapped potential, it also intends to act as a guiding force to the policy makers on how to understand the real 'Bharat' and the dynamics of rural India. The critical insights, business case studies and analytically & informed stories from experts in the field featured in the magazine keeps the faculty and budding managers abreast with the multi-faceted aspects & finer dimensions of rural markets and rural marketing that otherwise go un-noticed in the mainstream media.