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Auto India
Auto India

Auto India

By: Business India Group

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

More Muscle From Merc The New GL

About Auto India

Auto India is India's longest serving auto magazine. Immensely popular among vehicle owners and automobile enthusiasts, its content is insightful, relevant, comprehensive and entertaining.  Fuelled by superior content, affordability and wide distribution, and now remodeled – Auto India has over the years built a loyal band of readers. With its attractive pricing and wide distribution, which reaches far flung parts of the country, where most other auto magazines are rarely seen, it has developed for itself a large and loyal subscription base. Even today, in a cluttered marketplace, readers have remained fiercely loyal.  Keeping with the changing times, Auto India has recently re-energised itself in a new avatar; with greater emphasis on the visual element and on the content which is relevant, comprehensive and vastly entertaining, the new look Auto India is more engaging, more inviting, more appealing, more "with it". Its vast repertoire of content caters to not only the auto enthusiasts but even to lay persons who enjoy reading Auto India because of its entertaining and interesting range of fare.