COVER STORYAFR utilisation, a major challenge The major challenge for the technology suppliers has been with technologies, which are sized for higher capacities; but when the plants have to be operatedat reduced capacities (due to market conditions), they are expected to maintain the same efficiency parameters.“Indian cement makers are highly tech-savvy” “Lower capacity utilisation has impacted overall efficiency” “Invest in right technology to maximise gains” “Large capacity VRMs with multi drives will be the preferred option” “Technological advancement has taken place with steady uniform pace”EVENT REPORT - NCCBMIn Anticipation of Growth Momentum NCB’s ‘15th International Seminar on Cement,Concrete and Building Materials’ witnessed nearly 1,000 delegates congregate in New Delhito deliberate on cement, concrete and construction technologies.HK Vithlani of FUCHS,Mayank D Kamdar of Lilanand Magnesites,Sunil Kumbhar of ATS Conveyors India Thomas C Dannemiller of SABIA,Mogens Fons of Fons Technology, Dipankar Banerjee of Vesuvius Rakesh Sharma of AMCL and Rajesh Pathak of Raymond Bartlett SnowVIEWPOINTCementing the futureCements are no more just cementing materials;the innovation and durability of the materials hasalso taken up the artistic space.MARKET WATCHJK Lakshmi, dark horse Vaibhav Agarwal of PhillipCapital assess the potential of JKLC.
Indian Cement Review, the premier magazine catering exclusively to the cement industry since 1976, covers the latest updates and happenings of the industry from around the world. The magazine gives wide ranging technical articles, informative views of industry professionals, analysis and on-site case studies. It acts as a useful interface between the producers, manufacturers and the user fraternity of the cement industry, and is a must read magazine for the User industry, Manufacturers & suppliers and Auxiliary services providers.