COVER STORY Energy efficiency in clinker production The cover story captures the journey of an age-old system of grinding to the present one. It covers from mill internals to the use of grinding aids. TECHNOLOGY Achieving sustainable goals As urbanisation intensifies around the world, cement producers are looking for productivitybased solutions. SPECIAL REPORT Concrete Temperature For many cement companies in India, AFR represents an important business opportunity because it reduces fuel costs and CO2 emissions. CASE STUDY Reducing energy consumption How an expert system from Lafarge works and helps the plant in reducing energy consumption. PERSPECTIVE CEMENT COOLERS A Cool Unit The essential characteristic of a grate cooler is a layer of clinker spread on a more-or-less horizontal perforated grate, through which cold air is blown. The article discusses the importance of grate coolers in cement industry.
Indian Cement Review, the premier magazine catering exclusively to the cement industry since 1976, covers the latest updates and happenings of the industry from around the world. The magazine gives wide ranging technical articles, informative views of industry professionals, analysis and on-site case studies. It acts as a useful interface between the producers, manufacturers and the user fraternity of the cement industry, and is a must read magazine for the User industry, Manufacturers & suppliers and Auxiliary services providers.