Electro Mobility: Although India is currently at a nascent stage in electro mobility, electric vehicles are finding continuous traction in the country. Surface Coating: A Special Report on Henkel’s initiatives in surface coating for automotive products. Fuel saving solution: Continental’s eHorizon creates potential fuel saving and provides additional safety. Interviews: Exclusive interactions of top executives from Marquardt, Steelbird, Varroc, and NVIDIA. ...also, News, Launches, Profile, Event Review, Products and more.
Automotive Products Finder (APF) is an auto engineering magazine that looks into technology and components. Launched in 2005, the magazine is aimed at the engineers in the auto industry, and especially those who are in search of the latest developments in the field of automobiles and the industries related to it, may it be IT/Software, CAD/CAM, CAE, production systems/PLM/ERP, material handling, machine tools/special tools, assembly systems, specialized systems, garage equipment, service gadgets/diagnostics, accessories, etc. The readers include strategic sourcing teams, purchase engineers and those who are in a position to influence decisions and on a long-term.