SANT KABIRDAS JAYANTI 2022 - Sant Kabirdas (1440-1518 circa) was a famous poet, saint and social reformer of India. His writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. Kabir Panth which is a religious community recognizes him as its founder and its members are known as Kabir Panthis, the followers of Saint Kabirdas; ECO TOURISM: SILENT VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, KERALA - Silent Valley, an ancient history of evolutionary and ecosystem, is 66 kilometres away from here. This is one of the largest taluks in Kerala.
A TO Z INDIA Magazine covers the Indian through his creative life, customs, traditions, languages, marriage, work life, history, art, foods and so much more. This magazine gives detailed insight of the Indian man from an angle uncovered by others. Turn to find out what it is really like to immerse yourself in a completely different culture.