Green supply chain management can be a source of competitive advantage for organizations through improvement in their environmental performance, Bacallan (2000). Green supply chain can produce number of benefits to an organization, starting from cost savings, maximized efficiency, improved profitability, Kushwaha et. al.,(2004). There exists a vast scope in developing countries such as in India to adopt GSCM practices and achieve organizational excellence. By examining the Indian small, medium and large organizations, who have already adopted GSCM practices, we can capture some of the best eco friendly practices that can be set as a benchmark for other non-green organizations to start their own evolution towards a cleaner future. This paper aims to develop a green supply chain strategy for sustainability and how to integrate it into the existing supply chain of organization. Based on a literature review the constructs were identified. A six step approach to developing and implementing a sustainable green supply chain strategy has been described. Practical implications for operations strategists are also discussed.
The Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems" (JSCMS) tends to develop, promote, coordinate and disseminate the original developments and practices of supply chain management systems. The journal is effectively positioned as a multi-disciplinary journal, focusing on a particular set of study objects rather than a specific discipline. Articles submitted should have a significant impact on SCM theory and practice. The Journal ensures that high quality research is collected and disseminated widely to both academics and practitioners, and provides a forum for debate. It covers all subjects relating to the SCM.