The present study investigated the teacher’s burnout as related to personality and self-related cognitions in high and low burnout female school teachers. In this regard, 361 high school female teachers were tested with Maslach Burnout Inventory and on the basis of their scores, subjects were further divided into high and low burnout groups. Thereafter, 128 subjects scoring below P30 and 117 subjects scoring above P70 constituted the low and high burnout groups respectively. The selected subjects were further tested with Eysenck Personality Questionnaire— Revised, Jenkins Activity Survey, Self-concept Inventory and Self-efficacy Scale. The data thus obtained were analysed by using descriptive statistics, most prominently t-ratios. The results obtained had clearly differentiated the two groups i.e. high burnout group scored significantly high on psychoticism, neuroticism, lie scale, type-A behaviour, ideal self-concept, ideal-real self-concept discrepancy and burnout, but low on extraversion. These findings have wider ramification for teacher-taught relations in a competitive modern day school environments.
Journal of Indian Health Psychology Vol. 1, No. 2, March, 2007