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PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AT WORK PLACE by Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh
PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AT WORK PLACE by Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh

PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AT WORK PLACE by Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh

By: Global Vision Publishing House

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AT WORK PLACE by Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh
  • Price : 200.00
  • Global Vision Publishing House
  • Language - English
  • Published na

About this issue

The purpose of this theoretical review is to examine antecedents and consequences of psychological empowerment at work place. The review includes construct definition of psychological empowerment, emphasized by G. M. Sprietzer (1995), and its relationship with various personal and work related outcomes. The authors have done extensive review of research literature to indicate the importance of construct of psychological empowerment for both employees and organization. The authors have also highlighted the short comings in the literature and have provided constructive suggestions for future researches.

About PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AT WORK PLACE by Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh

Global Journal of Business Management Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2008