There is a tremendous impact of emotional intelligence on the rapidly changing corporate world. A strong relationship between emotional intelligence and work success has been observed in the context of two competing EI models: the Trait based Model and the Ability based Model. This investigation follows the trait model, which takes emotional intelligence as a personality facet. Sales, marketing and customer service officers (Male = 55, Females = 45) in cellular telecom organizations of Lahore were tested for managerial effectiveness in relation to their personality and emotional intelligence. 16 PF Questionnaire, an adapted version of Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SREIT) and Managerial Assessment Profile (MAP) were used along with a few demographic variables: gender, age and job experience. Emotional intelligence significantly related with social boldness and emotional stability as expected demonstrating EI as a personality facet. It correlated with managerial effectiveness (MAP) scores more strongly. No gender differences were found regarding EI but it did significantly predict managerial effectiveness with social boldness. Path analysis revealed emotional intelligence as a mediating variable between emotional stability trait and managerial effectiveness as well as between job-experience and age. EI followed by emotional stability depicted greater causal effect on managerial effectiveness than other variables.
Global Journal of Business Management Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2008