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Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management

Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management

By: Associated Management Consultants (P) Ltd.

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

There has been a tremendous growth in wireless technology in the last decade. This advancement has changed they way people do business in a mobile environment (M-Business). This is where M-Commerce or Ubiquitous Commerce (U-Commerce) steps in, which promises to allow shoppers to purchase goods and have services using mobile phones, wearable PCs and handhelds, and in the same way brings challenges for both individuals and the society. This paper is intended to bring out the facts about the feasibility of M-Commerce today; the strength and opportunities, the weaknesses and threats lying ahead. The highlight of this paper is to explore the issues that arise from the effects of M- commerce and the challenges lying ahead from which in the future, the researchers may spell-out the ways to serve M- commerce as drivers of the growing market demand in the long-term. Keywords : M-Business; M-Commerce; U-Commerce; M-Commerce Strength; M-Commerce Weakness; M-Commerce Opportunities; M-Commerce Threats; M-Commerce SWOT Analysis;

About Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management

Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, is a monthly journal that publishes papers on diverse areas of management such as International Business, Health Care Administration, Human Resource Management (HRM), Non-Profit Organizations, Operations Research/Statistics, etc.