The present review paper discusses the importance of cultural themes that are manifested in International and Indian advertisements. The review highlights if the advertisements have been influenced by the indigenous cultural background of the nation or not. Furthermore, the paper states through various advertisement examples across nations, the fact that culture is not immune to change, and that the advertisers are always faced with a challenge to embed the right cultural themes in advertisements with changing culture over the years. The review reiterates that standardization of advertisements across nations is not an advisable strategy. The review also explores the scope of identifying certain cultural values with respect to India, which can be probable values open to Modernism and change.
INDIAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING (ISSN 0973-8703) is a double blind peer reviewed refereed monthly journal, which was started in 1968. It is the oldest and the only monthly journal of Marketing in India. It is an authentic research publication dealing with Marketing; Advertising; Consumer Behaviour; Sales Management; Advertising & Promotion Management; Business Education; Business Information Systems (MIS); Business Law; Communication; Direct Marketing; E-Commerce; Global Business; Health Care Administration; Marketing Research; Marketing Theory & Applications; Office Administration/Management; Organizational Development; Production/Operations; Public Administration; Retailing; Sales/Selling; Services; Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure; and Industrial Organization.