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Indian Journal of Marketing
Indian Journal of Marketing

Indian Journal of Marketing

By: Associated Management Consultants (P) Ltd.

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

The use of celebrities as spokespersons is one of the ways in order to position and promote the sale and popularization of products or brands. It has become a favourable marketing strategy. One of the biggest advantages of endorsing advertisements is that they ensure a high recall for the products in India. The consumers associate the symbolic attributes of the celebrities with the products and by purchasing, owning and consuming those products, consumers think of possessing those desired attributes. However, the match between endorsers and products should be perfect. In India also, celebrities are being used as product endorsers. The present study explores the extent of use of celebrities in TV commercials, their use in different product categories, the appeals of such TV commercials and the extent of use of celebrities from different fields.

About Indian Journal of Marketing

INDIAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING (ISSN 0973-8703) is a double blind peer reviewed refereed monthly journal, which was started in 1968. It is the oldest and the only monthly journal of Marketing in India. It is an authentic research publication dealing with Marketing; Advertising; Consumer Behaviour; Sales Management; Advertising & Promotion Management; Business Education; Business Information Systems (MIS); Business Law; Communication; Direct Marketing; E-Commerce; Global Business; Health Care Administration; Marketing Research; Marketing Theory & Applications; Office Administration/Management; Organizational Development; Production/Operations; Public Administration; Retailing; Sales/Selling; Services; Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure; and Industrial Organization.