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How a Good Person can Really Win
How a Good Person can Really Win

How a Good Person can Really Win

By: Wisdom Village Publications

Single Issue


Single Issue

About How a Good Person can Really Win

Real-world research shows that the good person (one for whom means are as important as ends) often loses to the immoral man. The three main reasons for this are: • He cannot comprehend how the immoral man thinks, works or makes his moves • He lacks battle skills and doesn’t know how to fight back • He is often egoistic about his honesty, whereas the immoral man subjugates his ego to greed and teams up with others This book prepares the moral man towards: • Comprehending evil moves • Executing powerful antidotes • Converting his virtues into competitive tools and building powerful collaborations with men like himself & win decisively Free of platitudes & unproven recommendations, How a Good Person can Really Win is backed by extensive research, and can lead men to victory in the real world. It has relevance to all walks of life. Pavan Choudary's passion for dwelling deep into the questions one feels remain unanswered, has ensured him a place amongst the foremost thinkers of the world." - The Times of India "The book is like a well-researched argument through which Choudary debunks the Machiavellian belief that 'a good man hasn't got a chance in the real world' very systematically. The author substantiates his contentions and suggestions by opening the gates of his vast repertoire of knowledge for the readers. So here you have examples from Aristotle to Hillary Clinton, from Osho to Nikita Khruschev, all strung together beautifully in different chapters." - The Tribune This book goes beyond its previous Best Selling edition When you are Sinking become a Submarine. Pavan Choudary’s other works include Machiavelli for Moral People, A Trilogy of Wisdom on Chanakya, Confucius and Kabir, When You are Sinking Become a Submarine and The Rx Factor - which is a business classic. He has also co-authored two books with Kiran Bedi – Broom & Groom and Uprising 2011- Indians Against Corruption and Lal Bahadur Shastri - Lessons in Leadership with Anil Shastri. Pavan is the Managing Director of Vygon, a leading French Multinational. He also hosts the nation building TV program Hum Aise Kyun Hain on Doordarshan, and has written columns for The Times of India and Financial Chronicle. He chairs the Medical Technology Division of the CII and sits on some of the most respected advisory boards of India and is a sought after speaker and Management Strategist. He has often spoken at the IIMs, other prestigious institutes in India and abroad, several top companies of the world, as well as at the National Police Academy, Hyderabad and the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. For more visit www.pavanchoudary.in and twitter @authorpavan