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Payment of Wages Act 1936
Payment of Wages Act 1936

Payment of Wages Act 1936

By: Taxmann

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Tue Mar 07, 2017
  • Price : 125.00
  • Taxmann
  • Language - English

About Payment of Wages Act 1936

With Payment of Wages (Procedure) Rules 1937 Payment of wages (Procedure) Application to scheduled Employments Rules 1962 Payment of Wages (Manner of Recovery of Excess Deductions) Rules 1966 Rules regarding imposition of penalties Payment of Wages (Air transport Services) Rules 1968 Payment of Wages (Minus) Rules 1956 Payment of Wages (Railways) Rules 1938 Payment of Undisbursed Wages (Air Transport Services) Rules 1988 Payment of Wages (Deduction for National Defence Fund and Defence Savings Scheme) Rules 1972 Payment of Wages (Nomination) Rules 2009