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When Minutes Went Like Seconds And Hours Went Like Days
When Minutes Went Like Seconds And Hours Went Like Days

When Minutes Went Like Seconds And Hours Went Like Days

By: Rigi Publication

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Fri Jul 08, 2016
  • Price : 79.00
  • Rigi Publication
  • Language - English

About When Minutes Went Like Seconds And Hours Went Like Days

THERE IS A TIME AND PLACE FOR EVERYTHING, AND IT’S CALLED COLLEGE We are inspired by many people. But, one person will inspire us every time when we are in need. They are like Parents after our Parents. They are born to create the society. They treat us like their friends and they guide us in every single step of our lives. They pat our back to get succeed. Without them we can’t imagine our lives. They share their knowledge. When they are with us, we care less to their words. Once when they left us, every single word they said to us looks like they are meant only for us. They are the burning candles in everyone’s life. They are called, ‘Teachers.’             When the things in his life are going in an unconditional way, one of his lecturers changed his way of living.             When he came to know that, he is ‘Not Qualified’ in an exam, what he thought of Success/Hard work?             In everyone’s life, failure looks bad, but in his life Success also looked bad. Why?             When he went to Abhima’s house, what made him to stick at the stairs?             What happened when he and his school friend were caught by the police?             To know the answers of all these questions, here you go with, WHEN MINUTES WENT LIKE SECONDS AND HOURS WENT LIKE DAYS.