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Transcend Yourself For Happiness
Transcend Yourself For Happiness

Transcend Yourself For Happiness

By: Pustak Mahal

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Mon Apr 29, 2013
  • Price : 80.00
  • Pustak Mahal
  • Language - English

About Transcend Yourself For Happiness

With immense compassion at heart one transcends the selfish worldly limits and gets deep satisfaction and ecstatic pleasure not lesser in degree and quality that one gets after transcending the worldly into spirituality and divinity. This book not only defines and clarifies transcending but also depicts, illustrates, elaborates and establishes the value of compassion and selfless deeds and inspires the readers to come out of the selfish cave to widen the inner horizon to accommodate and help others who are neither close nor related. Transcend yourself to the Bliss of Happiness gives the meaning of 'transcending' in different contexts; cites lively and living examples from the past and presents the contemporary fellows who transcended on different occasions to establish the power of compassion and human deeds.