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Don't Forget  Your Floaters
Don't Forget  Your Floaters

Don't Forget Your Floaters

By: Pustak Mahal

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Mon Apr 29, 2013
  • Price : 140.00
  • Pustak Mahal
  • Language - English

About Don't Forget Your Floaters

Until you have mastered and tamed the waves of this ocean called life, the book Don't Forget Your Floaters that you hold in your hands can serve as a manual to the young and an eye opener for the mature. Every page, every chapter is an entry point to a new happy life that you are about to begin. And if you think, you are a great swimmer who has managed to swim to the horizon every time – share with us your secret/your floater. Read it NOW – to improve your understanding of life and more importantly, of yourself. REMEMBER, YOU ARE THE MEDIUM AND YOU ARE THE MESSAGE OF YOUR LIFE. Allow yourself happy floating, perhaps sailing through a very wonderful, exciting, passionate and meaning life.