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77 Lessons To Remain Ever Positive
77 Lessons To Remain Ever Positive

77 Lessons To Remain Ever Positive

By: Pustak Mahal

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Mon Apr 29, 2013
  • Price : 96.00
  • Pustak Mahal
  • Language - English

About 77 Lessons To Remain Ever Positive

In this book, the author takes you on a journey towards freedom and happiness. According to him, freedom is the very fragrance of life - and freedom and happiness are intimately linked. However, the author makes a clear distinction between real freedom and the so-called casual freedom of doing anything as per one’s whims and fancies. In real freedom, one remains a master while in casual or apparent freedom, you are actually a slave ,to your desires, though outwardly, you may appear wearing the mask of freedom. Further, you can start reading the book from anywhere as every chapter is independent and complete in itself. This book has a vibe and style of its own which makes it completely different from the other books of this category.