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Cinderella Retold
Cinderella Retold

Cinderella Retold

By: Powerpublishers

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Fri Jul 29, 2016
  • Price : 210.00
  • Powerpublishers
  • Language - English

About Cinderella Retold

Age old fairy tale is presented in a different way that Cinderella instead of waiting for the prince charming to rescue her, takes charge of her own life. Prime objective of writing “Cinderella Retold” to rectify Cinderella syndrome in young girls. This syndrome will hamper their development. Every girl who believes in Cinderella syndrome is being complacent about her own life. Cinderella Retold’ few highlights about the story1. The story is simple yet intriguing. The plot, as the title suggests, plays around with the age old fairy tale by giving it a few tweaks here and there.2.The story has a hint of humour in it. It is a readable story.3. There is strong message story imparts -which is self reliance is a biggest virtue4. The idea behind twisting the age old fairy tale is to break the myth that someone else will change your life.5. It teaches importance of the Skills like Negotiation, Reasoning, Self Reliance and Positive attitude.