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Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Caste and Democratic Politics in India

Caste and Democratic Politics in India

By: Globus Press

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Political Science
  • Price : 600.00
  • Globus Press
  • Language - English

About Caste and Democratic Politics in India

Caste by participating in the modern political system is now exposed to divisive influences and a new form of integration resulting form a new scheme of universalist-particularist relationships. Caste provides to politics on the one hand a structure of divisions and accommodations and on the other hand a cohesive element which absorbs tensions and frustrations. Castes are able to influence each other to bar­gain for powers. The formation role of caste associations are also playing as important role in influencing voting behaviour. Even political par­ties are considering caste as a vote bank. This enabled the lower castes to be politically influential on the basis of numerical preponderance. In selecting candidates for elections, political parties often giving consideration to the caste composition of the constituencies. Sometimes several castes are using politics in their attempt to better their conditions or to achieve their goals. The mobilization of caste votes by caste leaders in all the States has become common. But, caste is not alone is the key factor in the voting behaviour. Personal loyalty, ideological orientation, regional identifications are also influencing. This book represents an essential source of up-to-date practical information on this subject.