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2012 Universal Doom or New Age
2012 Universal Doom or New Age

2012 Universal Doom or New Age

By: Diamond Books

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Mon Sep 09, 2013
  • Price : 95.00
  • Diamond Books
  • Language - English

About 2012 Universal Doom or New Age

On December 17, 2008, NASA discovered an unexpected, thick layer of solar particles inside Earth's magnetic field and concluded that the next period of high solar activity, due to start in 2012, Earth will experience some of the worst solar storms and disasters seen in decades... ... Even if the apocalypse doesn't occur in 2012, there are plenty of another catastrophe ready to destroy Earth... ... The CERN Large Hadron Collider in France, the largest and most advanced machine on the planet, would accidentally create a black hole on Earth, and Soon it will grow out of control and eventually the Earth would be sucked into that vacant infinity. .. .... The Earth is heading towards a large asteroid collision that would immediately vaporize all living things around the world... Internet is flooded with warnings, web sites, survival techniques and suddenly everybody started talking about the December 21, 2012, the day when our planet will be destroyed as predicted and warned by several ancient civilizations and prophets. • Are we actually going to die on December 21, 2012? • Did Mayans, Egyptians and other ancient civilizations predict the same End? • What are the Major End Time Theories? • Is it true that the Sun will be in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in December 2012 and cause a pole shift and massive destruction? • Are Planets Nibiru and Hercolubus approaching Earth? • Are we heading towards a Global Doom? Since the pre-historic times innumerable annihilistic disaster prophecies have existed in diverse forms that announced almost certain destruction of our planet. Has that time arrived? Nonfiction author Ashok K Sharma PhD, who for the first time interpreted Nostradamus s predictions about India and penned the bestsellers like: The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus, World Famous Predictions, The Prophecies for the New Millennium; And the Rare Predictions, analyzes every available cataclysmic disaster prophecy scattered here & there. Grab this book to know what will be the outcome of the entire phenomenon? A nonfiction journey about the fears and phobias of modem world...