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Symbolism in the Poetry of Sri Aurobindo
Symbolism in the Poetry of Sri Aurobindo

Symbolism in the Poetry of Sri Aurobindo

By: Abhinav Publications

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Abhinav Publications
  • Price : 100.00
  • Abhinav Publications
  • Language - English

About Symbolism in the Poetry of Sri Aurobindo

This book will be an interesting and useful guide to the students of Indo-Anglian poetry. It identifies some recurring symbols in the poetry of Sri Aurobindo, traces their development and their final culmination into Savitri. It also shows how the poet Sri Aurobindo had grown along with his symbols and evolved himself finally into a Yogi. Sri Aurobindo is in the long line of the seer-poets of India and his message has an all-time relevance to society.