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Perspective on Adult Crime and Correction
Perspective on Adult Crime and Correction

Perspective on Adult Crime and Correction

By: Abhinav Publications

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Fri Oct 04, 2013
  • Price : 50.00
  • Abhinav Publications
  • Language - English

About Perspective on Adult Crime and Correction

Numerous statistical and qualitative investigations have been done on crime and delinquency but nothing tangible has been done so far in this field in India. The present study was undertaken to identify the relationship between selected social situations and criminal behaviour. An etiological analysis reveals that crime is the result of stresses and strains created by the pressures of primary relations particularly in the interpersonal relations in the family. Assessment of peno-correctional programmes in resocialising the criminals including the formal and informal inmate codes, and interpersonal relations among fellow inmates and interaction between officials and inmates, indicates that the situation in custody-oriented prison is less conducive than that in the freedom-oriented probation.