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Foreign Policy and Legislatures - An Analysis of Seven Parliaments
Foreign Policy and Legislatures - An Analysis of Seven Parliaments

Foreign Policy and Legislatures - An Analysis of Seven Parliaments

By: Abhinav Publications

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • Abhinav Publications
  • Price : 200.00
  • Abhinav Publications
  • Language - English

About Foreign Policy and Legislatures - An Analysis of Seven Parliaments

This volume analyses the different patterns of legislative influence on foreign policy. For each of the seven parliaments discussed in the book, the main strands of legislative - executive relations are examined in terms of the policy-making framework. This book will appeal to a wide range of students of comparative foreign policy and of parliamentary studies. The essays raise a number of challenging questions which will be of interest to policy-makers in Britain, the EEC, Japan, Israel, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Canada and India.