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Shaurya 5th edition December 9th 2019
Shaurya 5th edition December 9th 2019

Shaurya 5th edition December 9th 2019

  • 5th edition 9th December 2019
  • Price : Free
  • Avirbahva Publishers
  • Language - English
  • Published bimonthly
This is an e-magazine. Download App & Read offline on any device.

In Side Brief Editor’s Scribble 2 On The Wall Trail Blazer 3 Food Under City Kitchens 7 Concept Keeping Real 11 Graffiti Being Pink 20 Blue You 22 Shaurya Tale 25 Pen And Quill Memoir Ink 27 Story Time 29 The Poets Wall 31 Fingerprint The Pulse 32 Nation Mirror 36 States 38 World 41 Showreel The Screen 42 The Tuber 45

She begins the circle of life, she is there to cater to us as a life partner, she has been that mother, sister, and daughter through the time immemorable. But have we ever given her the recognition they deserve, the answer always has been a no. Where lies the solution is a question that must be asked at this juncture in time, more importantly for this is when we as Indians are downgrading our core values, respecting women. There is no day that goes by without an incident, where a woman is targeted or harassed is not brought to our notice. From the Unnao case to the recent 

Disha incident all we could do is watch as a silent bystander. These are the fallen angels, who were felled by those monsters that live among ourselves and are tainted by the egomaniacal thoughts that women are those playthings that have been put up there for pleasure. The animals these people are, do not see that women are the foundation of society, and they are the ones who have to be put up on the pedestal high, but yet now, the society has always sacrificed and sacrilege their souls throughout the times. In this edition, we salute the angels who have fallen yet have phoenixes out of their sorrowed lives and now stand as an inspiration to all the world to see. We salute those who stand as a wall to keep the woman’s rights alive.we also will shed light on why the woman is targeted and what goes through the mind of a rapist. Hoping a New tomorrow for the woman’s rights. 

Editor In Chief