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SHaurya The Proud Indian
SHaurya The Proud Indian

SHaurya The Proud Indian

  • Shaurya 3rd Edition November 1st 2019
  • Price : Free
  • Avirbahva Publishers
  • Language - English
  • Published bimonthly
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Editor’s Scribble 2 On The Wall Trail Blazer 3 Food Under City Kitchens 8 Concept Keeping Real 9 Graffiti Being Pink 13 Blue You 16 Shaurya Tale 19 Pen And Quill Memoir Ink 23 Story Time 26 The Poets Wall 32 Fingerprint The Pulse 33 Nation Mirror 35 States 38 World 39 Showreel The Screen 43 The Tuber 50

Editor’s Scribble



“How Green Was My Valley” was a novel, written in the year 1939 by Richard Llewellyn, in which I do remember a phrase very well that goes "How green was my Valley that day, too, green and bright in the sun.".The novel went so hip at that time in the year 1941 it was immediately adopted into a Movie. The question that may be running at the back of your mind maybe is that why in the world is this nut bringing up an old bygone movie’s name up this time.

Call it a reminder, a warning, but that is one phrase that runs through our minds, that the earth we live on may not be a forever thing for the respect she deserves has not been bestowed upon. To this day we are digging, drilling and blasting her for more, furthermore even after we did burn her down to the point of exhaustion, we do want to pamper our own egos staging a dramatic spree about saving her from little thing as carbon emission.

Those are not the problems, the real problem is the human mind which always wants more, and it never does have the tendency to say enough. When we do start saying enough, then would Mother Earth have that chance to not cry out Help but replenish herself for the generation Next.

But do beware that there is a pseudo cry going on, where there are people fear-mongering and doing nothing more, but dramatics, this only will distract the masses from the mainstream motive to save the earth.

There lies a fight unseen between the petroleum giants and the new budding solar energy and natural fuel consortium and each trying out their marketing fleabag tricks to impress us.

The question that needs to be put on the chalkboard right now is whether the help of Mother Earth is heard or not.                                                                     

In this Edition of Shaurya, we try to put up content to match the theme Nature, for it’s a call aware to save ourselves, Not Mother Earth.

Sri Dutta

Editor In Chief