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India Legal
India Legal

India Legal

  • India Legal - 20 April 2020
  • Price : Free
  • India Legal
  • Issues 178
  • Language - English
  • Published weekly
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Emerging laws and JurisprudenceProf Upendra Baxi says the striking feature of today’s new normal is the exercise of suo motu jurisdiction by courts in matters concerning dignity, livelihood and freedom costs for the impoverished, thereby upholding basic rights Also: A Paperless, People-less Court by Justice Bhanwar Singh

India Legal, ENC’s flagship product is a credible news magazine with a pan-India presence. Packed with in-depth reports, analyses, breaking stories, thought-inspiring features, views and insights on politico-legal issues, the fortnightly empowers and enlightens the citizens on several issues that touch their lives. While it offers a unique inside look at the workings of the Indian legal system (judges, courts, lawyers, prison networks and those who make or break laws) with journalistic panache and high production values, India Legal is by no means produced exclusively for the legal fraternity. The magazine covers important political, economic, corporate, and social developments, but within the context of legal relevance and parameters. Thus, it is by no means a specialist product. It has a unique universal appeal.