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I’m Yours… Forever…
I’m Yours… Forever…

I’m Yours… Forever…

  • Sat Jul 23, 2016
  • Price : 155.00
  • Powerpublishers
  • Language - English
This is an e-magazine. Download App & Read offline on any device.


“Rose?” he called… finally. I didn’t answer. He simply put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side. My heart yearned to hold him yet my eyes chose to avoid his gaze. He didn’t break the silence… The same fear crept back to me. A fear of losing him. How I hated myself! I was aiming to touch the stars with a broken wing… The much-envied camaraderie between Rose, a seventeen year old orphan and Robby, the sapphire-eyed, millionaire’s son takes an unusual turn when Robby tries to hold back a dark, impenetrable secret. Rose’s life shatters beyond repair when she learns that he has to leave but little is she aware… “of the lurking inevitability waiting at hand, grinning a bone-chilling grin and smiting all the threads” of her innocent dreams… Recounted in the fictional land of Pegasus, the romantic thriller also explores a rare psychic ability in the character of ‘Crystal’, that lends a surreal aura to the dark mystery that unfolds as the pages are turned… “Forever Yours…” is just what you need to lose yourself in the world of fiction which redefines ‘Love’ and takes you on a thrilling rollercoaster ride…