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Glimpses of Life
Glimpses of Life

Glimpses of Life

  • Thu Sep 29, 2016
  • Price : 90.00
  • Powerpublishers
  • Language - English
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The story about the blind men trying to describe an elephant by touching it is quite ubiquitous. Just like the story, Life, in my opinion, has so many facets that I bet it is not possible for any human being to understand or grasp its full meaning. That’s probably the reason why we have so many philosophers, thinkers, religious preachers and, more than ever, so many individual viewpoints. Every person is able to view or grasp one or maybe multiple facets of life but never the whole meaning of life. Hence life takes on shades and meaning which are different and rather individual to each one. Every time a facet of life has tried to touch me, it has evolved into a poem. The poems here, are therefore just that-Glimpses of Life!