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Score More in 10th Boards -20 Sample Papers
Score More in 10th Boards -20 Sample Papers

Score More in 10th Boards -20 Sample Papers

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Score more is a wonderful result oriented books that can give you high score even if you consult the same on the day before your examination. The especially designed sample question papers for CBSE 10th Boards Exam will give you a real exam feeling. This book contains 36 years’ of experience of MTG editorial board in Education domain in the form of five sample questions papers for class 10 each in Mathematics, Science, English and Social Studies (S.St). It also contains year 2017 10th Board Paper of all four subjects. The book is strictly designed on CBSE Sample Paper blue print (also available in the book). Detailed answers of papers are also provided to give an idea to the students as how they need to draft the answers.