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Solved and Mock Papers for GATE Biotechnology
Solved and Mock Papers for GATE Biotechnology

Solved and Mock Papers for GATE Biotechnology

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Preparation for an examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science, demands extensive knowledge and revision of the concepts covered under the GATE 2016 curriculum. GATE is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. GATE tests the in-depth knowledge and practical knowledge of varied concepts. We at Arihant understand the needs of the students which require thorough practice of the syllabi using previous years’ papers to master the concepts. The present book contains last six years’ (2010-2015) solved papers of GATE Biotechnology. Solved papers help to familiarize the aspirants with the current trends of questions asked in GATE Biotechnology Examination. A brief description about the syllabus is given in the beginning which will help the students to know the syllabi better. A brief description about GATE Examination is given in the beginning of the book. Authentic and Comprehensive solutions have been given for the previous year papers. Solution Points block is provided on each page so that the student can jot down the points to solve the problems. The book also contains 10 Mock Papers designed on the lines of the previous years’ GATE Biotechnology Examination for final revision and to analyze the level of preparation. The Mock Papers will help the aspirants revise and practice the concepts covered under the syllabi of GATE Biotechnology Examination 2016. Containing a large number of previous years’ questions as well as Mock Papers, this is a must have book for preparation and success in GATE Biotechnology Examination 2016.