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SSB Interviews
SSB Interviews

SSB Interviews

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This book has been designed for the aspirants for interviews conducted by the Services Selection Board (SSB). This complete guide aims to guide the candidates through the number of stages of the SSB interviews. The book lists out the different phases in the exact chronological order of the way the test is conducted.
This book has been divided into two parts – Part I containing introduction to SSB Interviews, Screening Tests, Psychological Test Series, Group Testing Officer’s Tasks, Interview Techniques and the conference procedure whereas the Part II on other hand covers Service Related Information, Geo-Politics and National Issues. To test the ability of the candidates aspiring to appear for the interviews, ample number of practice exercises containing large number of MCQs and fill in the blanks has been provided in between the chapters. Also the answers to the practice exercises have been provided at the end. As the book contains elaborate and detailed material for interview preparation, it for sure will act as the best preparation resource for Interviews conducted by the SSB.