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Objective General Knowledge 6250+Q
Objective General Knowledge 6250+Q

Objective General Knowledge 6250+Q

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This book has been designed for the aspirants of various recruitment & competitive examinations. The book contains 6250+ General Knowledge Questions asked in latest competitive examinations such as UPSC, State PCS, CDS, NDA, Assistant Commandant, Bank PO/Clerk, SSC and many other examinations.
General Knowledge 6250+ Q provides a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge. The book has been divided into 6 sections – Indian History & Culture, World Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge each containing theory. Figures, Graphics and Tables have been given along with the theory wherever required. Important Notes & Tables are provided under the highlighted box for the revision of important points. History section covers Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India and Art & Culture, whereas the Geography section covers world geography, Indian geography and Environment & Ecology. The General Science section covers basics of Computer apart from Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Also the book contains 2013 & 2014 previous years GK questions asked in various competitive and recruitment examinations. The Current Question Bank contains ample collection of current affairs questions to update the aspirants about the latest events and happenings. This book will prove to be highly successful for SSC, Railway, Bank (PO & Clerk), Army, Airforce, Navy and various other competitive and recruitment examinations.