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General Knowledge 2015 english
General Knowledge 2015 english

General Knowledge 2015 english

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The candidates aspiring to get through various competitive and recruitment examinations like SSC, Bank Clerk & PO, Railway Recruitment, etc need to have an in-depth knowledge about the varied sections covered under the subject of General Knowledge.
General Knowledge 2014 provides a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge. The book has been divided into 6 sections – History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science and General Knowledge each containing theory. Figures, Graphics and Tables have been given along with the theory wherever required. Important Notes & Tables are provided under the highlighted box for the revision of important points. The ‘Current Affairs’ section in the beginning of the book contains coverage of latest news & events that happened in the recent years. History section covers Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India and Art & Culture, whereas the Geography section covers world geography, Indian geography and Environment & Ecology. The General Science section covers basics of Computer apart from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This book will prove to be highly successful for SSC, Railway, Bank (PO & Clerk), Army, Airforce, Navy and various other competitive and recruitment examinations.