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The need to impart value education in the educational systems has never been felt so much as today. We are all concerned with the erosion of moral values in our society. This has brought to focus the need for making education a forceful tool for social and moral regeneration. We are already aware that several organisations and institutions have undertaken programmes of value education. Even some State Education Departments have launched programmes of moral and ethical education. Praiseworthy work has been done by certain organisations individually. The author had privilege to study some of such institutions and their ideologies.
This Publication is intended to give glimpses of selected experiments in India. Some of these include Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Rishi Valley School of J. Krishnamurthy, Agni Yoga of Nicholas Roerich, and Rama Krishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education. Two studies are also presented about significant value education sources viz 'Gurbani' and 'Patnajali's Yoga'. Some introductory chapters throw lights on the urgent need to meet the challenge and the retrospect and prospect as well as the role of institutions and individuals to promote the cause of value orientation of education.
The book is an attempt at evolving an urgently needed value education perspective for the country. It narrates the stories of some far sighted and innovative models and experiments going on in the country at present. Its tone is moral and spiritual as well as pedagogical; it is addressed chiefly to our educational planners and educators. But teachers will get the best of benefit from the content of the book: Above all, it is a call to our educational authorities and Departments of Education, both at the centre and the states, to draw inspiration from these examples and strive towards evolving value education ethos and consciousness, - M.R. CHILANA