Sacred Songs of India Vol. IX
Sacred Songs of India Vol. IX

Sacred Songs of India Vol. IX

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The Sacred Songs of India Vol. IX. Like its predecessor volumes. Encompasses selections from the life work of ten mystic poet-saint-musicians of India. The poet-saint-musicians included in this volume lived between the 5th century and the 20th century A. D. and came from such diverse regions as Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Assam, Punjaband Bengal. they are Karaikkal Ammaiyar, famous woman-saint of Tamil Nadu, Pattinattar, the Saivite saint, also from Tamil Nadu, who turned from a wealthy trader to a recluse, vedanta Desikan, the famous vaishnavite poet saint, who passoionately spread the teachings of Ramanuja, Jana Bai, the Maharashtra woman saint. They sang in different languages: tamil, Sanskrit, Marathi, Assamese, Punjabi and Bengali. But all of them sang of the galory of God. Sacred Songs of India, Volume Nine, will be a valuable repertoire for all artistes and a useful reference source for Indological scholars.