Despite massive and multitudinous problems, few other countries are struggling as hard as India for social and econo- mic development. The grinding poverty of the masses with their unvarying and inadequate diet; lives of leisurely toil ; small land holdings with large family size ; exploiting landlords and moneylenders, all of which are enveloped in a decaying caste system, contribute to a multiplicity of problems. Centuries-old monolithic social structure, not only impedes but retards, in many cases, social and eocnomic progress. Yet still as a demo- cratic nation, in the developing Asian subcontinent, India has committed herself to planned social and economic change. Planned development in both social and economic spheres was ushered in 1951, and since then has become a vehicle for many other related changes. In the last twenty years, all across India, new industrial towns with their smoking chimneys have sprung up. Non-industrial towns of the pre-independence period are becoming industrialized. Thousands of villages are in direct contact with towns and cities. Extensive medical facilities have reached villages. Hybrid seeds, and fertilisers are being used 1 for increasing agricultural productivity. Green revolution is a reality in some states, and literacy and educational facilities are spreading to larger areas each year. In short, a traditional society is being exposed to modernization at a rapid pace.