Top 5 Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for online publishers

Gone are those days when the regular downloadable apps were a primary source for getting your important tasks done. The hassle of managing countless applications, dealing with phone storage and more created the need for a better option. Shifting from regular apps to something exciting and having the world at your fingertips is definitely a pleasant state. Technology lovers have always been on their toes to provide the finest solutions to meet the growing expectations of mobile users. This thought brought progressive web apps to the market.

What is a Progressive Web Application?

In layman’s terms, Progressive Web Apps(PWA) can make a website look and behave just like a mobile application. PWAs act like native/ traditional apps that can be easily added to your mobile device’s home screen with multiple benefits. You no more need to install multiple applications and deal with lesser storage space on your device. It is not just an add-on but a necessity for your business to have a PWA to ensure your growth and progress.

Progressing just with the help of native apps is just a myth. Don’t believe us?

Take a look at the top 5 features offered by Progressive Web Applications that be a game-changer for your business.

  • Enjoy Offline Availability with Progressive Web Application

How would you feel if your mobile phone does not have an internet connection?

Pretty much like getting stuck in the middle of a desert, isn’t it?

With Progressive web apps, you won’t feel so anymore. PWA can provide offline availability with URL caching capabilities. So if the user has got a poor internet connection or no internet connection at all, it won’t affect your user engagement and conversion rate. Users can continue browsing easily without an internet connection. Due to these cached assets and the smaller size as compared to native apps, data consumption for PWA is considerably less and helps in saving your data as well.

  • Don’t worry about installation and storage

To use any PWA, you don’t need to worry about the storage space as it is consumed by the native apps. It may take up to 100’s of MB space on your smartphones to install a native app. However, as you have to simply open the website in the browser and add it to your home screen, your storage space and the pain involved in the installation are saved.

  • Improved performance is the key with Progressive Web Apps

What would you do if you visit a website that takes more than 5 seconds to load?

You are likely to leave the site and look for an alternative. This way, the site loses one potential user and further the conversation. Now wonder what if this happens to your business?

Not a good thought, isn’t it?

Here is why you need a progressive web application. The goal to interact with the user using the PWA can be achieved within 3 seconds. To present this fact in fancy words, PWA’s can enhance the performance of your site with quick loading time, easy installation, faster downloads, and maximum conversion.

  • A better option for SEO management

With major benefits like low storage and data consumption, one more impressive benefit includes easier accessibility and searchability for your application which will indirectly result in better conversion rates. When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, PWAs do a great job. Faster loading sites are likely to be recognized and receive a ranking boost for Google. You just need to follow a traditional SEO structure for your Progressive Web Application that you would have done for the website. With all this, you are good to be recognized and prioritized by search engines.

  • Low cost, more benefits with Progressive Web Apps

The cost to develop a Progressive Web Application as compared to that of developing a traditional application is pretty much affordable. Along with this, PWAs provide an efficient option to businesses in generating more ROI. You can get better searchability, easy installation, faster downloads and freedom to host your app wherever you wish to at a low cost. So, don’t miss this chance to grow with a much-needed update at a minimum cost involved.

With all the top benefits of PWA, we hope that if you haven’t updated your online appearance yet, it’s high time to do so. With Readwhere CMS, you can take your business to a whole new level of progress with the Progressive Web Applications. We ensure robust, feature-rich and interactive PWA to increase the revenue of your business.