5 Reasons why Video Content will Grow in 2020

In today’s fast-paced digital world, people always look for the most convenient options for learning, staying updated with the day-to-day happenings and getting their work done. At the same time, video content helps people when they choose to take a break from work or freshen up. Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube have become a part of our lives due to the intriguing video content presented. The growth in video content marketing is limitless. This can work as a trump card for the publishers in their business. Everyone definitely should know how videos have created a boom so far and will continue to do it in 2020.

This is a huge opportunity for publishers to increase their revenue and make their brand famous at a whole new level. Want to know how?

Let’s dig in!

People value videos

The human brain loves images, gets attracted to visual content as it is intriguing and easy to remember. Video content has given a whole new perspective to the viewers as they are easy to understand, one might skip an informative article but a 2-minute video regarding the same will get several views. Impressive engagement by the audience is the reason that video monetization is growing tremendously. If you still haven’t made the most of video content marketing, start doing it for high consumer satisfaction.

Videos are for anyone and everyone

It’s not just the millennials who love to watch videos, it’s everyone. No matter if you are 10, 20 or 60, you will be watching videos related to your hobbies and work. In a country like India, where people speak different languages and have different literacy rate in each state, video consumption makes the task spreading important news and education easy. With video content, your brand can reach the remote corners too, it just needs the internet and smartphones to spread as most of the video consumption is done from mobile phones itself.

Videos and revenue go hand in hand

Marketing and Monetization! Your product will grow when both these vital factors are taken care of. In the publishing business, where even a minute is precious, you just can’t be late. Consider a video of the trending news and a content-based article that you have showcased with your brand name. People are likely to remember the video as it transfers information in a precise way. Videos encourage the masses to talk about your brand and later on prioritize it according to their good experience. This ultimately helps in converting your potential customers into revenue contributors.

Videos go Viral

What do you do when you see a funny, informative or entertaining video? You directly hit the share button and spread it further with your friends and family. People share more videos than online content. This way they aren’t just sharing a video, they are being contributors in the marketing your product. Creative content with the potential to go viral and attract users can do wonders for your business. So it is mandatory to create impressive content that can tell the viewers about the brand and has a personal touch of your hard work.

Videos strengthen your brand name

People tend to initially remember your brand when they associate it with the interesting video that you have offered or the trending news that you have covered. It’s the video that can do the wonder first and later your brand that takes the charge. The growth in video content is limitless and so is the scope. An email with a video attached with it is expected to have a lesser bounce rate than one with only text. Publishers should work on strengthening their brand names and video is the way to do it.

Videos are costly to make

Now that you are aware of the endless benefits of video marketing that can help you in this digital world, you must be thinking of ways to implement it for the growth of your business. Let’s agree, video marketing is fascinating but video creation can be a costly affair. Right from considering requirements like high definition cameras, audio set-up, scripts and many more will be required to create a good video.

But what if you are able to create a video with the existing content that you have? What if you can create engaging videos for your audience with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning without paying a heavy cost?

Appealing, isn’t it?

Fabricate by Readwhere CMS allows you to create videos with the existing content that you have and you can easily share it further with your target audience. Simple and efficient!
Fabricate can help you create eye-grabbing and creative video content for your business.

If you are looking for a suitable platform for video monetization, Readwhere CMS is happy to help you! We’d love to hear from you!