
You & I Weekly

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div dirltrDear Readers,brIn this issue, we shine a spotlight on the dynamic entrepreneurialbrspirit shaping Hyderabads landscape. In our bustling city, a wavebrof entrepreneurial talent is sweeping through it, injecting vitalitybrand innovation across various sectors. This issue’s Feature Storybrexplores the journeys and accomplishments of some of these risingbrstars, underlining that age is no barrier to achieving excellence andbr divsuccess in diverse fields.div div div On the cover, we showcase Shilpa Datla, an influential restaurateurbrreshaping the dining experiences in the city through her ventures—brFeu and Kembara. With a profound passion for gastronomy, Shilpabrhas carved a niche by infusing innovation into each dining space.brAs a first-generation restaurateur, she brings a fresh perspective,brtransforming Feu in Jubilee Hills into a contemporary hub forbrglobal cuisine and Kembara in Knowledge City into an explorationbrof diverse Asian delicacies. In our Cover Story we understandbrthat beyond her culinary prowess, Shilpa creates inviting spacesbrresonating with warmth, redefining the art of dining in Hyderabad.brOur People in Focus features Namrata Loka and Anandita Ahuja, thebrcreative minds behind One Wedding. Merging fashion journalismbrwith entrepreneurial spirit, they redefine crafting memorable weddingbrexperiences. An exclusive conversation with Namrata unveils thebrintriguing backstory of One Wedding, emphasizing the diversebr divexpertise contributing to each uniquely crafted event.div div div Our Grand Getaway takes you on Suryaveer Singhs recentbrEuropean journey. As a certified wine sommelier and hotelier,brSuryaveer shares insights from their meticulously planned adventure,brincluding a seven-day family cruise in the Mediterranean andbrexploration of enchanting destinations like Barcelona, Cannes,br divGenova, Florence, and Rome.div div div If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please e-mail mebrat a target_blank relnoopenerpublisheryou-and-i.coma.div