You & I Weekly

Top Clips From This Issue
div dirltrDear Readers,brCreativity takes centre stage as we have the talented women behind Under the Mango Tree Photography on our Cover: Dharani Reddy and Bhavna Sadnani, Together with their third partner, Raj Rajan, their combined skills in photography, filmmaking, and design resulting in captivating visual narratives that resonate with audiences, as explored in our Cover Story.brOver the years, Hyderabad has steadily grown into a sought-after residential destination, boasting modern amenities and a vibrant cultural landscape. Our Feature Story delves into its journey and offers valuable insights for prospective residents.brAdditionally, in People in Focus, we take you behind the scenes of Bombay Times Fashion Week, where designer Anu Pellakuru captivated audiences with her latest collection. We’re equally thrilled to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Kasu Prasad Reddy, founder of MaxiVision Eye Hospital, highlighting his pioneering work in ophthalmology. Read about how his revolutionary advancements have transformed eye care in India, benefiting countless individuals, all featured in In the Spotlight. brIn todays fast-paced world, finding time to relax can seem impossible. According to experts, many of us lack me-time, leading to stress and burnout. But fear not! You can turn even a small space into a zen paradise. In Mind and Body, we explore how home should be a sanctuary, where stress melts away. Here are quick steps to create your haven.brLastly, explore the travel tale of Vijaya Pratap as she visits the stunning Jai Vilas Palace. Discover the seamless blend of architectural styles against verdant lawns and learn about its historical significance in Grand Getaways.brIf you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please e-mail me at a target_blank relnoopenerpublisheryou-and-i.comadiv