One of the most stylish men of Hyderabad and definitely among the most eligible bachelors, Rohit Reddy is a symbol of class and finesse --- a true-blue humble Hyderabadi. Since he first donned our cover seven years ago, Rohit has come a long way, both in his personal and professional life, and is now a thriving successful builder whose quality projects are known to all. He once again graces our cover page, this time looking more stylish than ever, in a Shantanu & Nikhil suit.It’s absolutely true that cricket is not just a game in India, but a religion. The true spirit, extreme madness, craziness, and patriotism that you see during a cricket match in the country is like no other. And with the 11th edition of the IPL beginning soon, we’re going to experience all this and more once again. In our Feature this week we go over the eight teams that will battle against each other and analyse which players are likely to make it big this season. Take a look!A budding cricketer and movie star in the making, Jaidev Reddytalks to us in People about what role cricket plays in his life and whatit teaches him.We also have another sportsperson, Arjun Narendran, a racer who has participated in several championships across the country, and some abroad too, who chats with us about his passion in In the Spotlight.Moving on, we have the Indian sensation DJ Shaan, the only Indian to have played at the biggest music festival in the world—Tomorrowland—in the Music section. He spoke to us before performing his first ever gig in Hyderabad. Turn to read what he said!Lastly, in connection with our Feature, the Mind & Body section teaches us some of the best ways to cope with sports injuries. Be sure to read this if you’re a sportsperson or one prone to injuries.And tell us what you think. If you have any suggestions, commentsor queries, please e-mail me at