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The world is changing, and so are theseasons - from the war betweenRussia and Ukraine, to the changingeconomic world order, people from allover must begin to focus on bringinglogical sense and peace on earth.While the pandemic has sloweddown considerably, it has not yetbeen eradicated from our lives. Weneed to continue to live with cautionand overcome it soon.
Gracing the cover this issue iswildlife photographer and big catspecialist Shaaz Jung, who’sattachment to the jungle is muchdeeper than his multi-layeredpictures convey.
In the pages that follow, you willfind stories of Luxembourg-basedhospitality professional KiranRobinson; business coach, OKRspecialist, presidential awardee,and author Suresh Mansharamani;and Chief Joy Architect at a NewJersey-based toy company ShaliniMelwani-Samtani.
Also featured this quarter arearchitect Jason Wadhwani, artisteturned entrepreneur Aman Thadani,co-founder of the Fortress FestivalAlec Jhangiani, and co-founder of adigital branding agency AishwaryaWadhwani.
While Executive Chef at MasalaLibrary, Rahul Punjabi talks aboutwhat Sindhi cuisine means to him,Hong Kong-based Simran Savlanishares her passion for food. RahulWadhwani, tells us how he made acareer in music and AnmolVaswani’s wanderlust-inspiredjewellery label, gives us insight intoher design sensibilities.
Commercial pilot turned yoga andwellness expert Anshuka Parwanishares her journey, and AshnaMirchandani explains why sheswitched from a career in healthcareto that of children’s clothing.
Fitness expert Avinash Mansukhani,product lead for WhatsApppayments in India, Ria Mirchandani,and artist Shweta Tikyani all tell ushow they found a career they love.Philadelphia-based public interestlawyer Neil Makhija tells us how hefound his calling in public policy.
We learn how graphic designer JuhiVishnani creates standout brandidentities and trace Chief MarketingOfficer at the TAO Group PavanPardasani’s journey in thehospitality business.
Rounding up all the success storiesfor this issue are Vanita Badlani, cofounderof a sustainable luxuryaccessories label who shares theimportance of giving back to theplanet, Aneela Idnani who hasfound a tech-based solution fordealing with Body-FocusedRepetitive Behaviours, andbreathwork practitioner andconsciousness guide KarishmaKapoor who explains theimportance of breathing right.With the monsoon clearly set in allover the country, I wish you all amagical time to refresh andrejuvenate yourself, just as naturedoes too. Feel the raindrops, smellthe earth, dance in the rain, renewyourself!
And don’t forget to continue to staysafe, stay masked, and stay healthy!