India Today

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Highlights of India Today issue dated February 25, 2013. Cover Story titled End of Spending, says that in a condition where the consumers are buying the least in two years and incomes are stagnant, can Chidambaram’s Budget revive consumer confidence . Special report titled, Creating the God speaks about a city on the Ganga that hosts 30 million people for 55 days. The Maha kumbh’s engineering miracle contrasts with the tragic stampede in Allahabad. The Big Story section deals with Afzal Guru. The story titled, Hanged in Delhi, Mourned in Valley highlights that the terrorist’s execution has only succeeded in alienating the Kashmiri youth further. The anti-India terrorist is now a martyr in their eyes. Scam Shatters Antony’s Defence, a story in the Nation section highlights the allegations of kickbacks in a helicopter deal by an Italian probe singe UPA. Another story in Nation section, is on former Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. Now as the state BJP chief Raje will be the main strategist for party’s bid to unseat Congress. The Society section story titled ‘Fear and Loathing in Hyderabad’ talks about the suspicion of the state which is now deeply embedded into the psyche of Hyderabad’s Old City. The edition also has three free magazines - Home, Simply Mumbai and Simply Guajarati. Also, the edition comprises Editor Kaveree Bamzais take on Budget 2013-14. Click here to see the video http:bit.lyXRMJXy